Mangalajodi is one of the oldest village coming under Tangi block of Khurda district in Odisha, 75 km from Bhubaneswar towards Berhampur with a huge marshland along the northern edge of Chilika Lake. The area (about 10 is primarily a fresh water zone connected by channels cut through the reed beds with the brakish water of Chilika lagoon. The numerous channels that crisscross through the greenery, harbour thousands of water birds, migratory and resident. Part of Chilika, 1165 sq.kms.brakish water estuarine lagoon of international importance. The wetland hosts more than 3,00,000 of birds in the peak season. October to March is the best time to visit this place. This region has is a significant global waterfowl habitat and is declared as an 'Important Bird Area (IBA)'.

Every winter Manglajodi comes alive with birds from temperate regions that migrate here to spend winter in its warm waters. Ducks like Pintail, Shovellers, Garganey, Gadwall and Pochards; and waders such as Black Tailed Godwits, Black Winged Stilts, Ringed Plovers, undertake a perilous journey from as far as Europe, central Asia, etc. across the Himalayas and congregate here to feed in the rich wetlands and prepare themselves for their return migration in summer. Raptors like black kite ,osprey , white bellied sea eagle, Peregrine falcon , harrier , Blue throat etc are also the attraction of this wetland.

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